Introduction to Insolvency Training

The Original Insolvency Introductory Course

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Introducing Our New ITIQ+ Programme

Whether it's for yourself or your new recruits, ITIQ is the BEST opportunity when starting out in Insolvency and Restructuring. Our new ITIQ+ programme consists of the best parts of NTI's introductory training all for only £699 ex VAT per person.



This course and qualification are available for just £539 (ex VAT).

This includes all 25 webcasts, with materials, tests, exercises and an AML course, both with an exam at the end of the course. It also includes access to The Compendium. A glossary of every term, phrase and acronym along with their definitions used in insolvency and restructuring. If you do not require AML training, the total price is £499 ex VAT.


This course and qualification are available for just £699 (ex VAT).

ITIQ is a unique opportunity for all new recruits to insolvency and restructuring to learn about the essential technical and practical elements of their chosen profession.

In addition to the 25 Webcasts, ITIQ+ also includes:

ITIQ Webcast ITIQ Webcast ITIQ Webcast

Businesses Inducting New Members of Staff

The Introduction to Insolvency syllabus, training and qualification is the ideal way to induct new recruits of all types of experience (or lack of it) into an insolvency and restructuring business.

Leave the training and support of new recruits to NTI, as we prepare them technically and practically to carry out their jobs within your business.

Training on the NTI App

The webcast programme (ITIQ) is on the NTI app and instantly available at all times.

How ITIQ works

See below for some examples of how ITIQ works on our exclusive NTI app

ITIQ Webcast
ITIQ Webcast
ITIQ Webcast

Finished the 25 webcasts? Email us with the contact you've been provided to get ready for the final ITIQ exam

We've made ITIQ as accessible and easy to use to ensure that the person studying for it has the best possible experience. Are you ready to start your insolvency and restructuring journey?

As busy Insolvency Practitioners we have been surprised at how much basic knowledge new staff have attained in such a short time. Alongside on the job training over six months the ITIQ has boosted trainees from knowing nothing about insolvency to having a basic understanding and knowledge of procedures that makes them effective assistants to our experienced staff.
The well-paced and solidly structured teaching provided me with knowledge and skills that have enhanced my everyday working life. I am confident that the Introduction to Insolvency training will prove to be a vital foundation for my career in the insolvency profession.
The webcasts provided an easy way of learning more while working and also allowing us to learn about the different types of insolvency that our daily training doesn’t touch.

Our clients

Firms using Introduction to Insolvency for their induction training needs