Our Classic ITIQ, But More.

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Our Brand New, Exciting Introduction To Insolvency Qualification +

You Spoke. We Listened.

We are now offering an ultimate upgrade to our already fantastic ITIQ training programme.

This course not only offers our incredibly successful ITIQ programme, you'll also get the benefit of learning how to become a professional within a practice as well as six live one-hour 'breakfast' webinars, over six months on challenging topics, with practical input and answering questions.

This course and qualification are available for just £699 (ex VAT).

ITIQ is a unique opportunity for all new recruits to insolvency and restructuring to learn about the essential technical and practical elements of their chosen profession.

In addition to the 25 Webcasts ITIQ+ also includes:

ITIQ Webcast ITIQ Webcast ITIQ Webcast


25 Webcasts
AML Training
6 Breakfast Webinars
How to become a professional
Price (ex VAT) £539 £699

Webinar Dates 2024

Month Date Webinar
Jul Thursday 11th Liquidations
Aug Thursday 15th Corporate 1
Sept Thursday 12th Admins
Oct Thursday 24th Corporate 2
Nov Thursday 14th Personal Insolvency
Dec Thursday 12th Numbers

Further dates will be released soon. Please hover over the below subject titles for more information


Description about Liquidations and practical advice.

Corporate Options 1

Options for directors, such as Moratorium, CVA, Restructuring Plan, CVL, MVL, re-finance and WUC.


Description about Administrations, including moratorium, trading, sale, and exit.

Corporate Options 2

Options for investors/banks, including re-negotiating loans, taking out Personal Guarantees, Administration, Administrative Receivership, LPA Receivership, Fixed Charge Receivership, and WUC.

Personal Debt

Informal and formal solutions for personal debt, covering various options, timing, and reasons.


Explanation of financial statements, including Statement of Affairs, Deficiency Account, Estimated Outcome Statement, Receipts and Payment Decision Procedures, and Remuneration.

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