CPI Exam Resit Packages

Posted on Aug 29, 2019. by NTI


Failing Is Horrible, Passing Is Brilliant. Passing After You Have Failed … Now THAT’S The Feeling!!! That Is The One To Go For

The fact that we have seen many hard-working, deserving people go down in the CPI Exam before doesn’t change the way you are feeling. You may be feeling that way for a while yet. The main question is what can we do about it when the feelings subside, you re-group and decide to take up the CPI Training challenge again?

The fact that you have visited this website is a good, positive start. There are so many new and constructive things we can offer you. Doing ‘different things’ starts here …

Things have already changed. You have the experience of having already sat the CPI Exam; you know what to expect and we, at Neil Taylor Insolvency, will help you to draw on that experience and learn from it.

The Resit Programme

We have two CPI Exam-busting new resit options that have been designed for you.

Please do not hesitate to Contact NTI if we can assist in any way, or if you wish to book onto one of our CPI Exam Resit Packages, please Call NTI on 01962 772181.

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