CPI Suite Of Exams For June 2020 Postponed

Posted on Mar 24, 2020. by NTI

Moments ago the IPA announced the postponement of the CPI suite of exams for June 2020. Students will be transferred to the November 2020 sitting. The full announcement is below:

"In light of the recent events and the official advice to avoid gatherings, the ICSA have decided to postpone the June 2020 CPI & CPPI Examinations.

The ICSA have consulted with their international divisions and reviewed a range of potential options for continuing their June 2020 CPI & CPPI Examinations, but have concluded that none can be implemented in a satisfactory manner to accommodate our students. As a result, the decision has been taken to postpone all our CPI & CPPI Examinations, that were scheduled for June 2020. We do not take this decision lightly, however in these exceptional times our primary aim is the safeguarding of students, members and colleagues.

The next sitting of the CPI Exam and CPPI Exam is scheduled for November 2020, and a date will be set shortly. Your application form and fee will automatically be rolled over to the November 2020 sitting. Alternatively, please Contact Us if you prefer to get a refund.

We hope you and your loved ones are safe, in these unprecedented times."

All NTI students please rest assured that you will be seamlessly transferred to the November 2020 sitting (should you wish to) and to those Insolvency Courses. You will have our full support from now, if you wish to study for those Insolvency Exams. You will, of course, still have the 2020 manuals and access to your Learning Mentor at this time and you can continue that from now. However, at NTI we want to offer even more… we will also do a series of active review webcasts as a refresher later in the year to help you pick things up again. 

Your learning mentor can help you re-structure your study plans to fit the new timescale and to make sure that you keep your current study routines going. 

We will be in touch to confirm dates and locations for the face to face courses for the November 2020 sitting shortly. In the meantime please confirm with us that you would like to study for the CPI Exam / CPPI Exam November 2020 sitting and we will roll this over. 

If you have any questions please feel free to Contact NTI either by email or you can call us directly on 01962 772181 or speak with your Learning Mentor.




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