JIEB Confirm Exam Goes Ahead In November

Posted on Sep 17, 2020. by NTI

Picture this. It is three years ago and a bunch of CPI students are standing outside the IPA exam hall, hands in pockets freezing against the cold, notes jammed into their pockets, popping ginkyo biloba and eyeing up a beer in three and a quarter hours. It's D Day.

Three streets away JIEB students have survived a ten month intensive training programme and are mentally preparing themselves for an exam one of the Board once described as 'a psychological event'. They stand outside their exam centre testing each other on SIP 8. Inside the hall three invigilators with a combined age of 251 are interpreting the rules sent to them by the Board and will break four of them before the green lights go on.

How different is it in 2020? The IPA's CPI exam is now sat remotely by students, in the comfort of their own homes, cat on lap, snack by their side and a camera watching their every blink. The JIEB have been at this electronic lark for two years now and, having royally messed it up in 2018, had another go last year and pretty much nailed it.

What of this year's exam? Just an hour ago NTI learnt that THE EXAMS WILL GO AHEAD ON 10 and 11 NOVEMBER. Steve Allinson, chair of the Board, sent a very encouraging letter, saying that: "We are pleased to confirm that, as things currently stand, the 2020 Joint Insolvency Examinations will proceed in November. We must caveat that recommendation by stating that if the Government changes its current guidelines on lockdowns and social distancing, we must revisit that decision."

Our students have the reassurance they need and have entered 'Phase 2' of their Study Support Programme at NTI, preparing for the all-new four day Passing The Exam courses around the UK, as we have been open for all-essential face-to-face lecturing for all of this month.

We are good to go.


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