JIEB Results 2024

Posted on Mar 10, 2025. by NTI

The team at Aryza (formerly NTI) were glued to our screens, refreshing the pass list at noon on Friday 7th March, eagerly anticipating a flurry of calls and emails from 2024 students.

We know how hard you all worked in the time leading up to the exams, and of course many received the results that they worked so hard for.

Special congratulations must go to Sam Griffiths, who achieved the joint top prize for the Corporate Insolvency paper. A further special mention goes to Georgina Rones, who having passed her Corporate paper in 2023 as the youngest student to pass, has now added a Personal paper pass to that, and scored a great mark in the process.

It was wonderful to hear from those who had achieved thoroughly-deserved exam success, and of course it is always hard to hear from those who did not quite achieve the result they (and we) wanted.

We had three students passing both papers at the first time of asking, which is no mean feat, and a further two passing both papers having sat before.

One of the features of Friday’s results is the number of re-takers who were successful this time around, having previously suffered the disappointment of being a mark or two away, and have dusted themselves down and ‘got back on the horse’.

For those who have tasted disappointment from Friday’s result, we have unfinished business, and will support you with our Lifetime Pass Guarantee when you feel ready to give it another shot. We will be delighted to support you in any and whatever ways it takes to maximise your chances of passing. Just get in touch when you are ready.

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