News From the JIEB Exam Rooms ...

Posted on Nov 15, 2023. by NTI

The NTI newsroom hounds have been out-and-about trawling pubs within staggering distance of Joint Board exam rooms this evening. They have looked in bars and, finally with some success, under tables and found NTI candidates grinning into phones and making absolutely no sense at all. So, we are taking this as a positive sign of two good-to-reasonable exam papers.

We don't 'do post mortems' as a corporate rule, so you do not need to look away now if you sat the exams on Tuesday and today (Wednesday 15 November). However, we still do the emotionally intelligent thing of 'taking soundings' and 'reading between the lines' and it seems that there is a general sense of satisfaction which isn't entirely induced by lager and tequila. Soundbites we can report are:

** "If I had written the Corporate exam myself, THAT is what I would have written"

** "Two EOSs ... brilliant!"

** "Now THAT was a highly doable Personal paper"

** "Who are you? Take that phone out of my face and do one ..."

There was something for all of the family in both papers and the Board have done themselves proud. Fair, syllabus-centric and reasonable.

If you DID sit one or both papers, absolutely do not attempt to count the marks you think you scored. That never goes well and is never accurate (in the slightest). One 'famous conversation' from a recent exam year went something like this (honestly):

"I have counted my marks several times and there is no way I scored more than 30. I am desolate. When do courses start next year?"

This person ended up with both 57% and no sense of shame.

Enjoy your very hard-earned freedom, congratulate yourself on your surprising sobriety tomorrow morning and have a lovely winter.

Chat on the other side.

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