NTI's Face-To-Face Lectures Update

Posted on Mar 17, 2020. by NTI

Consistent with the latest UK Government advice, issued on 16 March, NTI are temporarily replacing all face-to-face lectures with a comprehensive programme of adapted virtual learning. We appreciate this is short notice but are committed to doing all we can to ensure the safety of our students and members of the NTI team.   

We have strongly advised our CPI and JIEB students to still take the days of the course they would have attended as study days. NTI will issue them with all materials and handouts that would have been used in lectures, give them a comprehensive study programme for the relevant day and organise one or more live webcasts during the day to deal with all matters of interest and concern, to interact with students and maintain the quality of our exam training products  

We are determined that the challenge we are faced with as a nation and a planet will not affect the studies of our students, and will do everything we can on and off the NTI app to cover absolutely everything they need on an ongoing basis.  

We urge them all to keep safe and not to be unduly distracted from their ultimate study goal of success in the exam this year. 

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