Turnkey: Business Sales to Focus on IPS Cloud

Posted on Aug 13, 2021. by NTI

Turnkey, the insolvency software giant, has done some gargantuan business that enables the company to focus on the development of its magnificent IPS Cloud product.

This week the company announced the sale of Turnkey Business Software and Turnkey Infrastructure Solutions to Kick ICT Group Ltd. The NTI newsroom didn't know a lot about Kick, so we did some digging, finding a website that is as smart as a whip and a product range that enables it to deploy and support Microsoft solutions for organisations of all sizes across the housing, construction and education industries. There is also an encouraging use of colour on the site, together words such as 'virtualisation', 'cyber security' and 'disaster recovery' which makes us realise they are real players and worthy new parents of the former Turnkey brands.

Our mate Tony Wood of Turnkey has a business eye as shrewd as a snake and said that although he was sad to say goodbye to the businesses it will further enable the company to focus on the IPS Cloud product, a software solution ready to blow the minds of those in our glorious profession. NTI should know, as partners of IPS we have seen it first hand and thought we had been boggled before, but the launch of Accelerate in May of this year demonstrated the future of automation in restructuring and insolvency.  IPS call the introduction an “out of the box” automation for a growing number of Insolvency Case Management processes. Frankly, most of us don't know we are even in a box ...

... but you wait. The Cloud is coming to get you. IPS Cloud bearly stops short of ironing your jeans and sending out for macchiato and it's a bit like Netflix before anyone had ever heard of it. In two years time you'll be wondering how you ever lived without it.

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